How to talk about release schedules

Many IT departments deliver their work in releases. These are also called iterations, or cycles. Yes, some companies have a ‘continuous release’ capability. But most companies in the world still operate with periodic releases....

How to talk about deadlines

How often do IT teams accept impossible deadlines? Too often. This is bad for the IT team because it increases workload and stress. It is also bad for the business stakeholders who end up missing their delivery dates. A typical...

How to talk about delays in six easy steps

Business stakeholders don’t like to be told that an IT deliverable is delayed. But we live in a world where delays happen. If you work in IT, and if you want to have less frustrated business stakeholders, then you need to know how to...

Is this the solution to clear communication between teams?

Clear communication between teams at work is challenging, especially when teams speak different languages. I’m not talking about English vs French, although that can be a problem. I’m talking about the different job-specific words,...

Stop using acronyms — they are a terrible way to communicate

Acronyms, TLAs, abbreviations, initialisms. Love them or hate them, our work communication is full of them and we should stop using acronyms. People and organizations love acronyms. From a simple request to reply ASAP, to descriptions...

Are you giving your IT staff the right training?

More and more technical/IT jobs involve regular communication with business stakeholders. Despite this, many companies don't give technical teams the training they need to become good communicators. What do you think? Are you giving...

Three ways to turn complex IT into simple descriptions

Saying that IT programmers struggle to communicate is like saying the grass is green. Everybody knows it. I try to avoid stereotypes but in this case, the stereotype exists for a reason. What I don’t understand is why isn’t more done...