Why is it difficult to find good communication books?
Most people search for a topic on Amazon and browse the first few pages of results. This approach usually shows the books with the highest rankings and highest sales. Usually, these are books that everyone has heard of. Those books get more sales, which in turn keeps the book at the top of the rankings.
Unfortunately, this approach keeps a lot of great books hidden from potential buyers. There are some great titles that lie hidden on results page five and beyond.
It takes time to wade through pages of search results on Amazon. So, to save you some time, here is a list of communication books that have won major book awards in the last 10 years. Each of these books was recognized at prestigious international awards including The Axiom Business Book Awards (USA), The Business Book Awards (UK), International Book Award, IPPY, and the Eric Hoffer award.
If you want to improve your communication skills at work there are many great books to choose from. But, if you want the cream of the crop, these are the award-winners.
Award-winning communication books about speech and presentation skills
The Speaker’s Coach: 60 Secrets to Make Your Talk, Speech or Presentation Amazing
Graham Shaw, (Business Book Awards 2020).
Goodbye Glossophobia: Banish Your Fear of Public Speaking
Esther Stanhope, (Business Book Awards 2020).
The Busy Person’s Guide To Great Presenting: Become a Compelling, Confident Presenter. Every Time
Lee Warren, (Business Book Awards 2019).
You Were Born To Speak: So What’s Holding You Back?
Richard Newman (2019 Axiom Silver and Rubery award 2019 finalist).
The Leader’s Guide to Presenting: How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results
Tom Bird and Jeremy Cassell (Business Book Awards 2018).
Get to the point: Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter
Joel Schwartzberg (IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award silver winner and 2018 Next Generation Indie award winner).
Stop Lecturing Start Communicating: The Public Speaking Survival Guide for Business
Maria D. Gallo (International Book Awards 2015, finalist).
Edge Presentation: Your Guide to Trust-Based Presentations
Ben A. Ratje (2015 Axiom Bronze).
Boring to Bravo: Proven Presentation Techniques to Engage, Involve, and Inspire Your Audience to Action
Kristin Arnold (2012 Axiom Bronze).
Resonate: Present Visual Stories That Transform Audiences
Nancy Duarte (2011 Axiom Gold).
Putting Stories to Work: Mastering Business Storytelling
Shawn Callahan (2017 Axiom Gold).
The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures
Dan Roam (2009 Axiom Gold).
Disclaimer: I have read some of these books, but have not read them all (although I am working through the list at about one book a month). This list is not my personal recommendation, but they are recommended by the judges at some of the biggest book awards in the world. That alone makes them worth a look.
Affiliate links: If you buy one of these award-winning speech and presentation skill books after using the links on this page, I may earn a tiny commission from the Amazon affiliate program. This in no way influenced the inclusion of a book on this list. These are all legitimate award winners and that is the only criteria I used to put them on the list.
To see other books I’ve recommended, check out my Top three books about being concise.